showVisualizationDialog function

void showVisualizationDialog(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. List<PlacesModel> places,
  3. String query,
  4. String? city,
  5. String? country,
  6. VoidCallback onItemRemoved,
  7. bool fromFav,

Shows a dialog with visualizations for the provided places.

This function displays a VisualizationDialog with information about the places based on the given parameters. It also handles location retrieval for the provided city and country if necessary.

context - The BuildContext used to show the dialog. places - A list of PlacesModel objects representing the places to visualize. query - The search query that generated the list of places. city - The city to use for geocoding, or null if not applicable. country - The country to use for geocoding, or null if not applicable. onItemRemoved - Callback function to be executed when an item is removed from the list. fromFav - Boolean indicating if the visualization is clicked from the favorites list.

Returns a Future that completes when the dialog is closed


void showVisualizationDialog(
  BuildContext context,
  List<PlacesModel> places,
  String query,
  String? city,
  String? country,
  VoidCallback onItemRemoved,
  bool fromFav,
) async {
  MyLatLng myLatLng;
  if (country == '' || country == null) {
    if (places.isNotEmpty) {
      myLatLng = MyLatLng(places[0].latitude, places[0].longitude);
    } else {
      myLatLng = MyLatLng(0, 0);
  } else {
    myLatLng = await GeocodingService().getCoordinates('$city, $country');
  double lat = myLatLng.latitude;
  double long = myLatLng.longitude;
  SearchProvider srch = Provider.of<SearchProvider>(context, listen: false);
  srch.showMap = true;
    context: context,
    builder: (BuildContext context) {
      return VisualizationDialog(
        places: places,
        query: query,
        city: city,
        country: country,
        onItemRemoved: onItemRemoved,
        fromFav: fromFav,
        initialLat: lat,
        initialLong: long,