fetchWebUrlsWithGemma method

Future<List<String>> fetchWebUrlsWithGemma(
  1. String placeName,
  2. BuildContext context

Fetches a list of URLs related to the specified place name from the Gemma API.

placeName: The name of the place to search for. context: The BuildContext used for localization.

Returns a list of URLs as a List of Strings.


Future<List<String>> fetchWebUrlsWithGemma(
    String placeName, BuildContext context) async {
  final Uri uri = Uri.parse('$baseUrl/search?place_name=$placeName');
  final response = await http.get(uri);

  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    List<dynamic> jsonList = json.decode(response.body);
    return jsonList.cast<String>();
  } else {
    // throw Exception('Failed to fetch URLs: ${response.reasonPhrase}');
    throw Exception(AppLocalizations.of(context)!