reconnectClient method
- SSHModel ssh,
- BuildContext context
reconnects with the client again every 30 seconds while the app is running with given ssh
Future<String?> reconnectClient(SSHModel ssh, BuildContext context) async {
String result = '';
try {
final socket = await SSHSocket.connect(, ssh.port,
timeout: const Duration(seconds: 36000000));
String? password;
bool isAuthenticated = false;
_client = SSHClient(
onPasswordRequest: () {
password = ssh.passwordOrKey;
return password;
username: ssh.username,
onAuthenticated: () {
isAuthenticated = true;
keepAliveInterval: const Duration(seconds: 36000000),
/// Add a delay before checking isAuthenticated
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 10));
if (isAuthenticated) {
} else {
// If the client is not authenticated, indicate a failed connection
throw Exception('SSH authentication failed');
} catch (e) {
result = "Failed to connect to the SSH server: $e";
Connectionprovider connection =
Provider.of<Connectionprovider>(context, listen: false);
if (result == '') {
connection.isLgConnected = true;
} else {
connection.isLgConnected = false;
return result;