buildMenuItem function

DropdownMenuItem<String> buildMenuItem(
  1. String item,
  2. double fontSize

This function creates a DropdownMenuItem widget for use in a dropdown menu. Each menu item is built using the provided item string and the fontSize. The text color for the item is dynamically set based on the current font settings from the FontsProvider state management.


  • item: The string value that will be displayed in the dropdown menu item.
  • fontSize: The font size to be used for the text in the dropdown menu item.


  • A DropdownMenuItem<String> widget with the specified item value and text style.


DropdownMenuItem<String> buildMenuItem(String item, double fontSize) =>
        value: item,
        child: Consumer<FontsProvider>(
          builder: (BuildContext context, FontsProvider value, Widget? child) {
            return SizedBox(
              child: Text(
                style: TextStyle(
                  color: value.fonts.primaryFontColor,