clearKml method

Future<void> clearKml({
  1. bool keepLogos = false,

Clears the KML files from the Liquid Galaxy system.

keepLogos indicates whether to keep the logo overlays.


Future<void> clearKml({bool keepLogos = false}) async {
  if (!await sshConnection.isConnected()) {
  String query =
      'echo "exittour=true" > /tmp/query.txt && > /var/www/html/kmls.txt';

  for (var i = 2; i <= sshConnection.screenAmount; i++) {
    String blankKml = KMLMakers.generateBlank('slave_$i');
    query += " && echo '$blankKml' > /var/www/html/kml/slave_$i.kml";

  await sshConnection.sendCommand(query);

  if (keepLogos) {
    await showLogos();