makeRoute function

Route? makeRoute(
  1. RouteSettings settings

Generates a Route for the application based on the provided RouteSettings.

This function takes settings as a parameter, which contains the name of the route to be generated. It returns a Route corresponding to the route name. If the route name is not recognized, it defaults to the home page.


Route<dynamic>? makeRoute(RouteSettings settings) {
  WidgetBuilder builder;
  switch ( {
    case '/home':
      // Route for the home page.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const HomePage();
    case '/splash':
      // Route for the splash screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const SplashPage();
    case '/settings':
      // Route for the settings page.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const SettingsPage();
    case '/services':
      // Route for the services page.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const ServicesPage();
    case '/info':
      // Route for the info screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const InfoPage();
    case '/mars':
      // Route for the mars screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const MarsPage();
    case '/rover':
      // Route for the rover screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const RoverPage();
    case '/drone':
      // Route for the drone screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const DronePage();
    case '/cameras':
      // Route for the cameras screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const CamerasPage();
    case '/orbits':
      // Route for the orbits screen.
      builder = (BuildContext context) => const OrbitsPage();
    case '/orbit':
      // Route for the orbit screen.

      // Retrieve the arguments passed to the route.
      final arguments = settings.arguments;

      if (arguments is Orbit) {
        // If valid arguments are provided, set the builder to route to OrbitPage.
        builder = (BuildContext context) => OrbitPage(orbit: arguments);
      } else {
        // If arguments are invalid, set the builder to route to HomePage (default).
        builder = (BuildContext context) => const HomePage();
    case '/cameras_images':
      // Route for the cameras images screen.

      // Retrieve the arguments passed to the route.
      final arguments = settings.arguments;

      // Check if the arguments are a SolDay and a list of strings.
      if (arguments is List<Object> &&
          arguments[0] is SolDay &&
          arguments[1] is List<String>) {
        builder = (BuildContext context) => CamerasImagesPage(
            day: arguments[0] as SolDay,
            camerasSelected: arguments[1] as List<String>);
      } else {
        // If arguments are invalid, set the builder to route to HomePage (default).
        builder = (BuildContext context) => const HomePage();
    case '/web':
      // Route for the web screen.

      // Retrieve the arguments passed to the route.
      final arguments = settings.arguments;

      // Check if the arguments are a map containing 'url' and 'title' keys.
      if (arguments is Map<String, String> &&
          arguments.containsKey('url') &&
          arguments.containsKey('title')) {
        // If valid arguments are provided, set the builder to route to WebPage.
        builder = (BuildContext context) =>
            WebPage(url: arguments['url']!, title: arguments['title']!);
      } else {
        // If arguments are invalid, set the builder to route to HomePage (default).
        builder = (BuildContext context) => const HomePage();
      return null;
  // Return a custom route with a very short transition animation.
  return AnimationPageRoute(builder: builder, settings: settings);