upload method

Future<void> upload(
  1. String filePath

Uploads a file to the Liquid Galaxy.

requires the filePath of the file to upload.


Future<void> upload(String filePath) async {
  if (!await isConnected()) {

  try {
    // Load file data from assets
    final ByteData data = await rootBundle.load(filePath);

    // Extract the file name from the provided filePath
    final fileName = filePath.split('/').last;

    final sftp = await client!.sftp();

    // Upload file directly from byte data
    final remoteFile = await sftp.open(
      mode: SftpFileOpenMode.create | SftpFileOpenMode.write,

    // Convert ByteData to Uint8List and write it directly
    final uint8ListData = data.buffer.asUint8List();
    await remoteFile.write(Stream.value(uint8ListData).cast<Uint8List>());
    await remoteFile.close();
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error during file upload: $e');